You’ve come a long way, baby

Painting by Sue Williams

“We’ve got a lot of work to do” by Sue Williams.

After going to the exhibit “No Man’s Land” at the Rubell Family Collection, I felt a little deflated. I was disappointed about not seeing works by Kara Walker and Carrie Weems—it was a rotating exhibit. I felt that their absences left a sizable void in the exhibit in spite a painting done in 1992 by Sue Williams.

My painting Death of Fertility.

My painting “Death of Fertility” was exhibited at “Widening the Cycle.”

Miami is the only major city in the United States founded by a woman so my expectations were high. Also, I had recently exhibited in “Widening the Cycle” in Boston and expected art that spoke about feminism. The Boston exhibit explored menstruation and had a Feminist Walking Tour to complete the event. The exhibit achieved its goals of raising awareness about menstruation and discrimination women face.

“No Man’s Land” left me wondering what’s the difference between feminism and sexism. Women complain about men exploiting the female body and I saw a few pieces that I thought did just that. So what’s the point?

Are women better off in a post feminist era? Are men more committed to going to Superhero movies than being good fathers? Women now head more families and more children are fatherless and in poverty. I read an article that said the average millennial woman cries one day a week; overwhelmed by the demands of family and work.

Too bad this exhibit did little speak to the issues facing women. It was just an exhibit by women. And may be sadly that was the point.

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